To Create Purchase Orders

  1. Log into your user account on _ _
  2. Click Purchases on the navigation bar.
  3. Click the Add Purchases button and the Create Purchase Order page is displayed.
  4. To Create a Purchase Order:
    1. Search for items by Item SKU, Description or by Item Code or scroll down the page to the required item.
    2. Click the green plus button next to the required item to add items to the Purchase Order
    3. Click the red minus button next to the incorrect item in the Purchase Order Cart to Remove items.
    4. Click the drop-down button next to Vendor to select the correct Vendor from the list.
    5. When you have selected ALL required items click the V.A.T. to Apply or Remove V.A.T as necessary.
    6. Type new Unit Price to change it if required.
    7. Next to each required Item on the Purchase Order type in the correct Order Quantity
  5. Once completed, click the Proceed with Purchases A unique Purchase Number is created for the purchase, and it is assigned the Status “OPEN”.
  6. To Edit and complete the new Purchase Order:
    1. Enter the correct Purchase date by selecting the date window and using the date menu.
    2. Select the Vendor from the drop-down menu next to the Vendor window.
    3. If required use the Upload button to add the electronic file.
    4. Add a note if required by clicking the window next to Note.
    5. Scroll down to the items list to add further details for each item.
    6. Ensure the SKU / Description and UOM are accurate for each item.
    7. Click the Quantity bubble next to each item to enter each required quantity.
  7. Once all editing is complete select the Update button to save. Then select the Request Authorization button to mark accordingly.
  8. Click the back to Purchase List button to return to the Purchase Orders page.